Channel: Zaayega Seller Gyan
Category: Education
Tags: sell on meeshohow to sell in meeshohow to sell your products on meeshomeesho suppliermeesho seller accountselling on meeshobecome meesho sellermeesho app kaise use karemeesho supplier chargesmeeshomeesho supplier registrationhow to sell on meeshosell my product on messhomeesho seller registration 2021how to sell on meesho appmeesho supplier commission detailsmeesho seller kaise banemeesho seller benefit programmeesho seller
Description: In this video, you will learn about Meesho seller benefit program how to sell your products on Meesho for new sellers. Get a detailed idea meesho seller kaise bane Also Meesho presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for sellers, traders and manufacturers out there. Here's your chance to win exclusive tickets to The Kapil Sharma show and stand a chance to watch India's favourite entertainer, Kapil Sharma live on stage. All you will have to do is: Step 1: Register as a Meesho Seller. It's super easy 👉 All you need is GST & Bank Details. If you are already registered, follow Step 2. Step 2: Upload a catalogue on Meesho and get it live before 5th December. Step 3: Follow Meesho's Facebook, Instagram pages and subscribe to their Youtube channel. And that's it! Once done, you will be enrolled into the lucky draw. So why the wait? Register now, and you can be one of the 10 lucky winners of #MeeshoSellerbrity! To become a meesho supplier you need to register first on Meesho. Meesho is India’s no 1 shopping app and provides an easy and safe way to find consumers through Meesho. 👉Link to Register on Meesho as a supplier - Solutions provided by Meesho; 1. Lowest commissions rates charged to suppliers across the e-commerce industry 2. Free listings - No Marketing/Promotion effort required from suppliers - Any new catalogue that you upload will get guaranteed views and that increases your chances of getting orders. 3. Meesho takes away marketing pressure and subsequently the pressure to get suppliers first order. 4. Returns process - Guaranteed 15-day return period as compared to 30-day periods. Shorter payment cycles for suppliers. 5. Seller-friendly service level agreements depending on the category - Depending on the shipping nuances of your product, the SLAs can be changed by contacting seller support. 6. The Meesho supplier does not have to talk to the end consumer - Reseller (Entrepreneurs) talk to the end consumer in case of any product/service issues, reviews etc. Unique features of Mesho platform: 1. Reach - Meesho is the top shopping app 10Cr+ customers. Sell across 700+ categories. 2. Variety - Unbranded or branded, small stock or large stock. Everybody can sell on Mesho. 3. No hidden costs charged to suppliers - no onboarding charges, no cataloguing charges, no shipping cost, no exit charges. #SellonMeesho #MeeshoSupplier Amazon Business 3 Days WhatsApp Training 👉 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecommerce business: Guide for Beginners ▶️ Product Research winning product category wise ▶️ Get More Update & E commerce guidance:👉 If you found this video informative Please like and share it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👇CHECK NECESSARY ITEMS TO START E-COMMERCE BUSINESS affiliate links given below.👇 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👉 Amazon Research Chrome Extension 30% off - 👉Amazon Product Research Tool 👉 Use Extra 10% Discount Code: ZAAYEGA10 👉Hostinger Discount Link 👉 Use Extra 10% Discount Code: ZAAYEGA10 👉Create your online store on Shopify Today - 👉Collect Online Payment without Website - 👉Hire Freelancer for ecom editing 👉My storefront for new E-commerce business set up - 👉 If you have any query, doubt or question about e-commerce selling write us in the comment box on our social pages. 🔴My Travel Channel 👉 🟠Follow me on Instagram 👉 🔵Follow ZaaYega on Facebook 👉 If we have added value to you by this video, Please do not forget to Subscribe our Channel.